Game State

Dramatis Personæ

Viktor (Exile)
Kristín (Exile)
Andreas (Exile)

The World

Sites in play




World Deck

Suit Number

TTS Chronicle

030303000219The Helichrysum Chronicle2B010101234505FFFFFF20FFFFFF14FFFFDE1BFFFFFF29FFFFFF16FFFFE01EFFFFFF1FFFFFFF3B0624182B0E2629D61ED31D15D51309522F201C3521001FD2D42819C30B1632AD0F342233C125089810010D112C121A0507042314270AB717312D30062A1B2E0C030212E9DBDCEAE8E7E4DFDADDEDE2E6ECE3E5E1EB000105ARman

The Helichrysum Chronicle

First Era of The People,
Reign of Alex I

Clouds gather, leaves rustle in the wind. A new era begins…

First Era of Supremacy,
Reign of Viktor I

A new era begins: it is a time of turmoil and conflict. Chancellor Viktor I is secure in his stronghold and has amassed a strong army. Working with the land’s greatest alchemist, Exile Alex of the Red House amasses a large fortune. Meanwhile, Exile Kristín of the Blue House uncovers the secrets of the land and recovers forgotten relics. But Exile Andrews of the Yellow House has other plans: he makes a deal with the devil and with a bold strike, seizes control from the Chancellor! Seeing the strength of the opposition, Chancellor Viktor I makes a pact with Exile Alex: in exchange for favor and devotion, he passes along administrative control over the empire.

The Red Exile becomes a citizen and campaigns on behalf of the empire. In reply, the Exiles band together to overthrow the oppressive control of the empire. Battle lines are drawn and the land is trapped in the cycles of warfare. Power is passed back and forth, and destruction is spread across the land: soldiers and denizens are killed alike by warfare and long-forgotten terrors.

The power of the empire is too great: a favorable economy combined with the vast supply of the empire is too much for the Exiles to resist. In the final stages of the war, the combined efforts of Chancellor Victor and Citizen Alex destroy the occupying forces and victory for the empire is certain. But in a final act of betrayal, Citizen Alex seizes hold of the empire’s armies and captures the favor of the people. With consolidated military strength and popular support, he gains control of the empire! But in the chaos, Exile Andreas of the Yellow House destroys the final stronghold of the empire. The empire has been toppled and the land is cast into disarray. The fate of the land now lies in the desires of the people…

The Dawn of History

In the dimly lit room of his stronghold, a glint of dawn peeking through the window, the chancellor hesitates a moment, then presses his seal against the molten wax. He leans back with a sigh. “It is done, then. Let these three great houses rot in exile, and let there be peace once more. However brief it may be.”